Let’s Talk About Sex: Interview with Cindy Eckert


Note: This week’s podcast is not appropriate for young kids, however, if they do walk in we have made ice cream the code word for sex. Get ready for the puns.

We don’t talk about women’s lack of sexual desire as we get older. Doctor chalk it up to aging, stress, and kids. They often gloss over that low sexual desire is an actual medical condition. That’s right ladies, it’s not always something that can be cured with self-care or a vacation. It has to do with brain chemicals, similar to depression and anxiety, that are creating a hormonal imbalance. Enter Cindy Eckert. Our fancy friend Cindy has made it her life mission to help women. She is the creator of the ‘female Viagra’ to treat women with HSDD (Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder) as well as the founder of The Pink Ceiling/Pinkubator which invests in and mentors other women to succeed in business. She joins us on this week’s podcast to talk about sex… I mean, ice cream, and how to make sure you are getting all the sprinkles. 

The Pink Elephant

Women having sexual difficulty creates a burden on partnerships. 92% of women feel like they are letting their partner down and 71% feel hopeless and less connected to their partner.  Cindy has seen HSDD contribute to communication breakdowns in partnerships and in some cases, even divorce. Our societal narrative is to joke around about the lack of sexual desire in women as we get older. Even us women will share funny strategies about how to avoid sex with our husband during a girls night out. 1 in 10 women, however, are not laughing. They want to want sex, but they think something is wrong with them.

Are You Satisfied?

At your annual exam, the doctor asks if you are active sexually, if you want birth control, and if you want to be tested for anything. What if they also asked if you had sexual satisfaction? Mindsets like these could change this conversation forever. If you think that you may be struggling with HSDD, visit Right to Desire and take a short quiz. You can also learn more about Addyi by clicking this link. Addyi is currently offering a two month prescription for free regardless of insurance. 

Did you enjoy our interview with Cindy? What thoughts do you have on sexual desire? Listen to the podcast by clicking the links below and join our private Facebook group to participate in the conversation.

Libsyn: http://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/11757824
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-talk-about-se-i-mean-ice-cream/id1378725018?i=1000455366526
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6XUNCGGy6nXJsrMEq73Wrg?si=iNe6HBg4R32X1KSVXjE2_Q
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/holdermess-the-holderness-family-podcast/e/64908244?autoplay=true
Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Dthpczyd6rjks3kzm6mu4p3bswy?t=Lets_Talk_About_Se_I_Mean_Ice_Cream-The_Holderness_Family_Podcast

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