My Plan For Living Life

This past weekend, it was my 46th birthday and for me, it was a time to reflect. As you know, I am a very goal-oriented person. I love vision boards. I love shooting for the stars. It’s always been who I am. However, with the world so out of sorts in the past two years, I haven’t really spent time thinking about making any big changes. 

This year is starting to feel somewhat normal (fingers crossed) and I realized I wanted to be more intentional about how I live my life from now on. My Mom recently told me not to wait until retirement to do all the things I want to do and go to all the places I want to travel. 

Help Kim Get A Hobby

I want to be able to enjoy my life every day in the moment (which I’m not naturally very good at doing) and also prepare myself for the kind life I hope to live when the kids have left the nest. I came up with a list to hopefully help me make the most of my life now and in the future. 

Penn and I discussed my list in detail on today’s podcast. (Bonus: You get to find out Penn’s ultimate dream goal.) But I am also asking for your help. 

Friends, what hobby ideas do you have for me? Listen and let me know!