Questions For Your Family

One big thing Penn and I share is a love for travel. Some of my favorite family memories are days spent on the go—from skiing to beach days and everything in between. This may not be a surprise, but when it comes to quality time, I like to go big or go (literally) home.

For me, going big isn’t about extravagance like a destination. One of the best days we’ve spent as a family recently involved running a 5k, going on a bike ride, making a stop at the pool, going to the beach, and playing games together—just a really busy, active day. I also love our nights at home, cuddling on the couch and watching a movie, or other opportunities to recharge.

I crave that time away together and the fun conversations we have, which was an inspiration for this week’s podcast. 

For Your Next Roadtrip

On the podcast this week, we are answering your questions, but we picked questions you can also ask your family! These are great discussions for a summer roadtrip or around the dinner table. We discuss everything from goals, happiness, and fun conversation starters like:

If you had to move, where would you go? 

We got deep with another question about how we cope with the pressure to be perfect parents. We might seem like perfect parents, but we’re not. The idea of being perfect at anything, but at parenthood in particular, is an impossible standard. 

We are both obsessed with our children’s happiness—so much so that one of Penn’s main goals this year is to shepherd Lola and Penn Charles through what could be a tough year filled with college prep, social challenges, and the realities of being a teenager. 

It’s Your Turn

We hope you will join us on this week’s podcast by pausing and taking a moment to share with your family. What are some questions you use to start important conversations with your family? Listen and send those our way.