Why Social Media Can Cause Mommy Burnout

holderness podcast social media

We know this podcast is a bit ironic. We make our living on social media, but we’re suggesting you cut back to avoid mommy burnout (or burnout in general). We can admit that we could all use some restrictions for our sanity. A lot of good and bad can come from social media. Recently, we shared our story about our dog, Ruby, and the love, support and shared stories really lifted us up. However, watching ingrown hairs or popped pimples on repeat in the middle of the night on Instagram may not be the best use of our time. So, when and how do we scale back? We brought in psychologist and author Dr. Sheryl Ziegler to help us navigate how social media can play a negative role in our attention, anxiety, sleep and relationships.

Dr. Ziegler gives us a helpful quiz (take it along with us!) that gauges the impact of social media on your life. There are healthy uses of social media, which Dr. Ziegler talks about in her book, Mommy Burnout. However, today she walks us through our results and the negative repercussions that you may not even be aware of as you scroll through your phone. One example is a false sense of connection that may be contributing to society’s increase in depression. She is packed with some eye-opening stats and facts that really make it easy to put the iPad down.

Social media addiction is a normalized addiction, but it doesn’t mean we don’t need to cut back. Dr. Ziegler provides us the dialogue to have with our spouses and children to start understanding how social media may be negatively impacting our attention, sleep and relationships.

Learn about monotasking and take back control of your time and relationships on today’s podcast. Also, shameless promo here, sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss any of our videos on social media if you do cut back on your digital scrolling. We send a weekly recap of all our family videos, podcasts and some behind-the-scenes tidbits. Just head to our website and enter your email in the pop-up box.

Ways to listen to this podcast:

Libsyn: http://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/9053765

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/are-you-addicted-to-social-media/id1378725018?i=1000432318064&mt=2

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6hyXqi6Dp9A6NlarKzKYu1?si=pwZd_EthRFefEsUgWS9l8Q

Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/holdermess-the-holderness-family-podcast/e/59495861?autoplay=true

Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/D6ekqtry5vvxlrb6gvi7ng3d33q?t=Breaking_Free_from_Social_Media-The_Holderness_Family_Podcast

After you have a listen, come back to watch Dr. Ziegler’s Tedx Talk.