
Summer Mode & Mundane Celebrations

Happy July, friends.

Hoping you all are enjoying your summer so far. Happy to say that Penn and I are currently in full-on summer mode. After a very busy spring with our book tour, we’ve been lucky enough to squeeze in some beach time in between work, sports, camps, and college prep (for Lola.) It has been glorious to have a little bit of downtime. We needed it (and so did our kids.)

Penn Charles capped off his busy spring with a celebration for graduating from 8th grade. (I can’t believe we’re going to have a second high-schooler next year.) PC was quick to remind us that this was “no big deal,” but we were excited to celebrate him regardless. 

Celebrate The Mundane

This sparked a conversation between Penn and me about what other milestones in your children’s lives warrant a celebration (which was also a great walk down memory lane.) Here’s what we came up with:

  1. The end of the poop chapter. No longer wiping butts and the endless trail of dirty diapers is something for which I would throw a parade. 
  2. When your kids can cut their own food, eat it, and then put the dishes in the dishwasher. And I’m not talking about chicken fingers and fries. The party happens when they can get a steak, and cut it into small enough pieces that they won’t choke on.
  3. When they can wake up and go downstairs by themselves. They can feed the dog. They can make their own breakfast. That extra hour of sleep that eventually allowed us? HEAVEN.
  4. When they are able to go into the pool or the ocean on their own. (The ocean still makes me nervous, but I don’t feel I have to helicopter like I used to.) 
  5. When they are able to snow ski on their own. We occasionally go on ski vacations (I still prefer the warmth of the lodge, but that’s neither here nor there…) and not having to be tied to ski school schedules is quite nice.
  6. When your kids can drive confidently on their own. (I still follow the tracker dot religiously when Lola’s driving, but…baby steps.) The amount of time it has freed up for us not needing to shuttle her to things has been HUGE.

Summer Mode: On

Personally, I say balloons, banners, and DJs for all of these. What are some mundane milestones you would break out the bubbly and celebrate for?

We discussed all of these and other things like our obsession with the show “Yellowstone,” how we’re late to pretty much every trend out there, and once again revisited why AI terrifies Penn in what we consider to be a fizzy, beach read type of podcast this week (in honor of being in summer-mode.) It mirrors our wandering conversations when Penn and I take a long walk down the beach. So, friends…come take a walk with us. Happy listening!