Thanksgiving Confessions: I’m Not Cooking This Year


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I have a confession to make. I ordered my Thanksgiving dinner for the first time ever this year. The decision was very practical. Our family is traveling and getting back too close to Thursday to cook. This was a decision I was basically high-fiving myself about. We ordered it from a good restaurant in town, it is going to be delicious, I mean who wouldn’t be excited for this? Then I started talking about it on the podcast and guys, I cried. I cried over the realization that I wouldn’t be up way too early cooking, or making all my families’ favorite recipes. It sounds silly, but I cried over the idea that I wouldn’t be carrying a Thanksgiving tradition. 

Family dinners have been something sacred to me. I grew up having family dinners every Sunday. My mom and aunts would cook and all of us cousins would run around. Some of my favorite family memories are around this special time we spent together. As I got older, my mother wisely told me that it was time for me to create my own traditions with my family. But a part of me cannot help the desire to give my kids a piece of something I loved so much growing up. It’s not really about brining the turkey days in advance or making a recipe for sweet potato casserole passed down for generations. It’s the feeling of fun and togetherness that I love. 

Thanksgiving Day Rules

So while I pulled myself together, Penn comes in to make us all laugh (as he always does) with another installment of the Penn Commandments. This time it’s about the rules around Thanksgiving. They are a guide on how to be a helpful, supportive partner especially if you are hosting everyone for dinner. There’s even a rule about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. (Can you tell how much this man gets me? Love him.) 

What traditions do you grow up with that you have tried to pass onto your family? What new traditions have you made along the way? We would love to hear all about your family and what is special to you. We are so thankful for you and the positive support you have for our family. From us to you, we hope you have a very special Thanksgiving this year. 

Sit back and enjoy!

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