The Least Sexy Thing I Love About You

When Penn and I were dating I used to love every romantic gesture he would dream up. Singing to me while playing his guitar? Yes, please. Reservations at a swanky restaurant? Sign me up. After a while, the hot and heavy dopamine of the early days tends to wear off. Now if Penn fills out paperwork for our kid’s school or does the sports pick-ups at night, that really gets me going. 

Getting Older

Even though it’s not sexy, there’s something special about knowing exactly how to love your person after 20 years. When you get older, unsexy things can actually be sexy too. So in honor of Valentine’s Day next week, we swap the five most unsexy things we find sexy about each other on our podcast. (We also talk a lot about farts in a jar… which I sincerely apologize for.)

Happy listening and this Valentine’s Day make sure you take time to tell your partner all the things you love about them.