What’s Our Deal? (And More Questions)

When people ask me what my dream job is, I have a lot of answers. I daydream about having a jam stand on the side of the road or owning my own bookstore. One day, I want to have a farm with chickens, but I also want to have an apartment in Paris. Lately, I’ve come to realize that I have more dreams than I can accomplish in one lifetime. I’ve also come to realize that I may like the idea of these things, but I lack the energy to actually do them. 

Ask Us Anything

Penn and I are recovering from a busy couple of weeks, so we wanted to go back to basics. We asked you to submit any and all questions to us. And let me tell you, you did NOT disappoint. Your questions led to some very interesting discussions about jam stands, hobby hunting, and optimal bedroom size. But the question that made us laugh the most was: “So, what’s your deal?” 

We tried to answer that as honestly as possible, but most days I have no idea what my deal is. Tell us your deal and send us more questions to answer in the future!