When You Don’t Know What You’re Doing 

We recently got a voicemail message from the cutest family. They were giggling hysterically and called our podcast voicemail number to ask us a question about our game, Family Faceoff. Their question was, “What was the first thing going through your mind when you made the game?” 

First of all, we were thrilled to hear their laughter. That’s exactly what we had hoped for when we first came up with the thought of making a game. But, the other thought going through our mind at the time was we have no idea what we are doing.

We’ve written before about the process we went through during the first iteration of our game if you are curious about that, but what their question made us really think about is all those times in life where you have to make a choice to do something or not. 

When Failing Is Good  

I have a really hard time ever calling something a failure. For me, even if something doesn’t go as well as I had hoped, I always learn and grow from the situation, which, I think, is a good thing! 

Back in our days living in New York City before we had kids, Penn went on hundreds of auditions for things and never got a single one. But, you know what? He learned so much about his voice style and making videos during those days that have certainly helped us in our current job. So what maybe felt like a failure back then has proved otherwise today. 

Nobody Knows 

Even though I am admittedly a perfectionist, I am pretty good at being able to start a project. I know that trait does not come naturally to everyone, and sometimes just getting started is the biggest hurdle to jump. What I would tell anyone who has a hard time starting is: nobody knows how it’s going to turn out. 

If you are making a choice about something, it is totally okay to not know exactly what you are doing or how to do it because then you can learn and grow. Even if you feel like you aren’t succeeding in the way you thought, life has a way of teaching you things you can use later. Or maybe you will succeed more than you ever thought. Nobody knows, but getting started is the first step. 

Sneak Peek 

On this week’s podcast, Penn and I share stories of some things that may have been considered a “failure” and how we’ve learned from it. We hope it might encourage someone out there in some way. We also share a few sneak peeks of some upcoming music Penn has written and our current list of favorite celebrities. 

Do you ever feel like you don’t know what you are doing? Tell us in the comments!