It’s no secret, our entire family has spent more time stationary in front of the screen more in the last nine months than ever before. Between online school, constant zoom meetings and lack of organized sports we could all medal…
If you have a kid then you’ve probably heard of the game Among Us. In the last few months, the murder mystery game, which is available on mobile and PC, has been a huge hit. (Especially for my son, Penn…
Who are these “morning people” anyway?
Me, I have two morning modes: Warrior and Sloth. Tracy Flick versus Garfield. On those Warrior mornings, I’ve had a good night’s rest, my hair gets washed and I’m practically daring the universe to…
Staying motivated to exercise all winter long is no easy feat. Bears had the right idea with that whole hibernation thing. Can you imagine? “Hold my calls, back from my nap in five months.” Sign. Me. Up.
Sadly, we humans…
Cooking a turkey is one of those things that seems like something you watched your mom and grandmother do exclusively. Then one day, you wake up and you’re 40-something and realize you’ve never done it before on your own. It’s…
Is anyone else getting oddly emotional over EVERYTHING right now? Big things. Small things. Silly things. It’s all making me so emotional. Here’s a short list of things that made me cry in the past week:
I wanted peppermint ice…
From gluten to red dye 40, there are a lot of warnings out there regarding things to avoid for our health. Honestly, trying to keep track of it all makes me feel like Jake Gyllenhaal Bubble Boy, only without the…
How often do you feel happy? If you’re not sure, do you know why?
Just like the search for the best night cream or deciphering the Instagram algorithm, happiness often seems like a moving target. We have to keep working…
As the end of the year gets closer, it’s always the same song and dance: “I’m going to learn [insert language]” or “I’m going to lose [insert number] pounds.” We pledge allegiance to big changes but by February, we still…
My kids have all sorts of questions about life these days.
“When can we visit Grammy?”
“Will I be able to have a party for my birthday?”
“Will school be back to normal next year?”
My reply is always the…