I take my role as a parent very seriously. I try to teach my kids life skills, I want to teach them how to be good citizens, and very importantly, I’m trying to expose my kids to the classics. On…
A few weeks ago, I took Lola on a college visit. We sat in an auditorium and listened to a panel of current college students answer questions. One question was what advice they would give to high school seniors. All…
When it comes to my reading list, I’m a simple girl. I like books that help make me a better person…or I want to read what everyone else is reading. I’d love to say I march to the beat of…
I probably say sorry, apologizing for my very existence, at least twenty times a day. Of course I want to take accountability if I run into someone at the grocery store or am running a few minutes late to a…
It’s no secret that our family loves to travel. As soon as the kids are out of school for summer break, we hit the road as quick as we can to head to our favorite beach spot to celebrate another…
Which Book Should You Take To The Beach This Summer?
When it’s time to pack for our annual beach trip, I put equal care into my outfit choices and my book picks. What you are reading while you enjoy the sound of ocean waves and the feel of sand on…
As much as Penn and I like to drink socially, we noticed recently that it’s not always serving us. More than one glass of wine will mess with my sleep and I can barely function the next day. (I blame…
If you’ve stumbled upon this quiz, you probably have a kid (or two) who plays a sport. Whether you just enrolled your kiddo in pee wee soccer or have spent every weekend for the last several years at tennis tournaments…
I just want my kids to be happy.
I know, I know, I know. It’s an impossible and unrealistic goal. I’ve been in enough therapy sessions to know that chasing “happiness” is a fool’s errand. We should really be appreciating…
If you know me, you know I love to read. Probably just as much as I love to curl up on the couch with my family and watch a movie. Luckily, there are book-to-movie adaptations. Some may have missed the…