How to Help, Cope and Lift Your Child this School Year

Back to School Holderness Podcast

Today, we are doing life better with the help of  Liz Vaccariello, Editor-in-Chief of Parents Magazine. As summer starts to roll to an end, the back to school stress creeps in. You’ve probably either read Liz’s work in Parents Magazine or seen her on the Today Show. She’s the real deal and she is giving us tips, tricks, tweaks on how to bring families together and prepare for the school season. 

New School Year, New Stresses

Same back to school stresses are the same: lunch box expectations, new clothes shopping and lots of financial stress. Yep, It starts to pile up pretty quickly in the fall. However, different school-age children have different anxieties, so you may have to manage multiple dynamics. Liz shares her advice, including that just as we remind our kids this is an exciting opportunity, we need to remind ourselves as parents that this is a great experience for us, too. With a new schedule, you can try something new. Maybe it is ten minutes to have breakfast together or maybe you now have a chance for a 20 minute cat nap. One can wish!

School Day Struggles

Liz tells us the importance of tips and scripts to give your child to tackle their fears and uncertainty at school, which she walks us through on the podcast. She reminds us to not be afraid to give your children time to be alone. They will have new feelings and experiences and it isn’t always a parent’s job to solve it. We also talk about letting your child fail and the struggle it creates for the kiddos and the parents. 

Back to school time is exciting. While the stress is real, the learning and new experiences they will have is something to celebrate. That’s right, Baby Got Class!

Holderness Family Back to School Parody

Have a listen and be sure to thank and appreciate your teachers this year!

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