

YouTube: A Guide for Grown-ups

A YouTube lesson for parents While scrolling through your Facebook feed in the last week or so, you may have seen some headlines about a YouTube star who made a video apparently showing a lifeless, hanging body in an area…

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How to apply sunscreen // The #MimicMommy Dance

Growing up in Florida, one of my most vivid memories was getting slathered with sunscreen. It’s like my mother was icing a cake, but instead of icing, it was sunscreen; and instead of cake, it was my face! She had…

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Living With Boys

In case you didn’t know, this is what it’s like living with boys. This music video should be considered a documentary. This also explains my reasoning for why I wanted to build an out-house just for the boys in our…

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Valentine’s Day – Gift Giving

When Kim and I first started dating I really went to extremes to get her awesome gifts for Valentine’s Day. But now… after two kids, our gift giving has gotten a bit… stale. Maybe true love is realizing you don’t…

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Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen Diet

So Penn and I challenged ourselves to eat like Tom and Gisele for 24 hours. They have a LOT of restrictions, including: no dairy, gluten, night shades, and coffee. I did slightly better than Penn did, but for real –…

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