Do What Matters

I will admit something: I get hit with bursts of energy where I NEED to organize my life and schedule. I’ll buy a new planner, and color-code my life. Then, inevitably a week later, I get too busy to follow my color-coded to-do list and I just abandon everything. 

I’ve read so many time management self-help books and nothing sticks. Did you know 93% of time management and productivity books are written by men? First off, there’s nothing wrong with men. I love men. I married one and I’m raising another. Men are great. But we can all agree that women are built differently. There are so many more nuances to women who are looking for help prioritizing and planning.

Introducing Kendra Adachi. Kendra is a 3-time New York Times bestselling author, nationally ranked podcaster, wife, and mom. Her latest book is called The PLAN: Manage Your Time Like a Lazy Genius. I was very intrigued by her book as she proclaims you can get your stuff done and not turn into a tired robot. Sign me up!

Choose Laziness Correctly

She starts our conversation off strong, “Despite what the early 00s taught women, you can’t have and do it all.” Oof. I know it’s true but it’s still hard to hear. She encourages women to start with the season they are in. Check in on what is happening at home, at work, and internally, and then make adjustments accordingly. How important is getting dinner on the table every single night when construction is being done on your house and half the time kids are at some sort of sports practice?

While it’s great to have the skill of organization and a color-coded planner, it’s even better to have situational awareness when you walk into a room. Color coding goes out the window when your kid has a bad day or even…your toilet explodes and floods your house. Yes, that is a real thing that happened in our house recently. So Kendra recommends starting small. What is something that is annoying you in this season of life? What is one small problem that you can solve with a small solution? She recommends simply: tend to the necessary before it becomes urgent.

If you want a few more recommendations on to-do lists and the greatness lens from the self-proclaimed “Lazy Genius” – be sure to listen to this week’s podcast here: