Finding Your Child’s Superpower: Getting Inspired with Bolaji Oyejide

Everyone kid looks up to a superhero, but what happens when that hero doesn’t look like them? Enter Bolaji Oyejide, founder of Brave Young Heroes and author of superhero books that help kids uncover their own super powers. Bolaji was a painfully shy, awkward kid growing up who found inspiration in the unlikely superhero of Peter Parker from Spiderman. We discuss everything from letting our kids fail sometimes to Penn’s obsession with imperfect movie endings, and this is the only time you will hear Kayne West quoted on a podcast. 

Windows & Mirrors 

In Bolaji’s books he provides very unlikely heroes, like a kid from Mexico who has the power to fly, but suffers from vertigo. He tells a story of visiting a school where a child challenged him on what a real hero is. Bolaji explains that perspectives can be changed through exposure. Children need mirrors of themselves in heroes to feel seen, but they also need windows to understand different experiences that help them appreciate others. 

Encourage Boredom 

Bolaji and Penn reminisce about how their own boredom growing up lead to some very creative outlets that positively impacted their path in life. (Does it surprise anyone that Penn used to write angry love songs?) Unstructured play and boredom help kids expand their imagination. Bolaji also reassured me that it is ok not to remove all the obstacles for our kids. Sometimes struggles can build character, confidence, and understanding. It’s ok for me to land my Mom Helicopter from time to time.

We also have another disclaimer performance from Penn, as we dive into next financial segment with Greg Patterson on saving for college. 

And away we go!

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