How To Find Your Person 

A couple weeks ago, I stitched a TikTok asking where you find all the good men. I jokingly said that you need to find the guys working on magic tricks and getting mathlete trophies in middle school. (Also show choir, never turn down a guy that can do jazz hands.) The truth is, I didn’t know Penn when he was more into making music on his synthesizers than he was girls. We met much later in life after college while we were both starting out in the news business.

When Penn and I first met, we were both with other people. A few months later, newly out of relationships, we ran into each other again. (He was doing the worm at the bar – hands off, ladies!) We both said we didn’t want to get into anything serious, but you can guess how that went. In our podcast this week, we talk more about our early days (and the sneaking around we did to see each other) as well as hear your stories.

The Universe Finds A Way

I believe that the universe and love find a way for people to be together who were supposed to find each other. Not everyone needs marriage, but everyone deserves happiness. On the show, we played your voicemails on how you met your person, and we got some funny emails below: 

He was dating my college roommate and was friends with my boyfriend at the time. Then my roommate broke up with him and my boyfriend broke up with me. Both broken-hearted, we leaned on each other and fell in love! We’ve been married for 10 years and have 3 boys!Erin from Kentucky 

My husband and I met as adults on a school bus on our way to a middle school basketball game. We both were teachers – I was the coach and he was the band teacher and he drove the bus for some extra cash. (However, he loves to remind me his first impression of me was when he saw me in the main office and I was eating a pepper like an apple, and he thought I was crazy.) Now we’re happily married with 3 little ones!Alex and Emily

Our story of how we met began in 1998 at UCONN. Between class breaks I would hang at the Latin American Cultural center because a group of us watched Days of Our Lives. One day, a guy was there on the couch with a cast on his hand and he was holding a burger in his broken hand, all while yelling at the soap with his mouth full. I remember I thought “what a slob!” The next time I saw him was at a frat party and we both saw each other and said, “I know you!”. Hung out at the party, he walked me home and gave me his number. Well, this year we celebrate 20 years of marriage.Janet

Listen to our Valentine’s Day podcast episode, and let us know where you met your person!


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