How to Make Friends as Adults

holderness podcast

We are so grateful for our friends Jake and Page Fehling. Page hosts Good Day, Charlotte and Jake is VP of Marketing for Movement Mortgage. Together, they host a podcast called Date Night with Jake and Page. They were the perfect guests for our Father’s Day edition. In between rapping and laughing, we chat date nights, making friends as adults and fatherhood.

Couples that Podcast Together, Stay Together

We had this funny realization while talking to Jake and Page that couples who podcast together really feel more connected. Penn and I always feel like we see more eye-to-eye after we record a show. Also, having podcast guests is a wonderful way to meet other couples and possibly make friends. Because let’s face it, making friends (real, genuine friends) as adults isn’t easy. We spent some time talking about how you make friends with other couples, especially when you have kids of different ages.

What Dads Really Want for Father’s Day

What moms want and what dads want for their day of honor is quite different. For me, I want to have access to my babies all day, but also have alone time whenever I want it. And don’t forget the brunch and gifts! Page is pretty similar. She wants to sleep in and get some heartfelt presents…as she should! However, Penn and Jake just want a day alone. Bottom line: it should be about what that person wants.

Your thing, my thing ends up being the theme of the show. Whether friendships or Father’s Day, it is about acknowledging what makes the other person smile and being respectful if the smile-provoking thing is different than yours.

We hope you laugh along with us on this one – it gets a little rowdy, as friends tend to do.

Here’s how to listen!

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