Shutting Down Social Media and Booze

Holderness Family Podcast

Welcome to our crazy. Last week, we created our version of Stoptember on the show in response to our recent family struggles. So, we are giving you an update on our coping habits and family, including a special appearance by Penn Charles. 

Checking in with Coping Habits

Penn overcame some challenges with his goals of reducing weekly alcohol intake. We talk about the temptations and how society puts such pressure on non-drinkers. For me, I’m still addicted to checking my phone, but it is part of my job, so I’m cutting myself some slack. The slow process of breaking my phone habits may become Stoptober as well.

Welcome Our Special Guest

Our favorite guest to date, Penn Charles, joins us on the show today. PC is 9 years old, is a writer and loves tennis. Oh, and he is our son. He answers some of your most commonly asked kid questions, such as, “Do you like to be in YouTube videos?” Penn Charles tells us all about his favorite videos, trips and how he really feels about his sister. You’ll also get a chance to see how PC inherited my gift for disclaimers.

We wrap up with a random discussion on flat-earthers. Penn really wants to join a discussion with people who believe the earth is flat. Maybe a Penn-led podcast coming soon?

As always, thanks for tuning in!





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