Ten Quick Thoughts about Rogue One (SPOILER FREE, I THINK) from a Dad’s Perspective

  1. For the second straight year, this one felt really good as a “family” film.  Zero bad words.  Zero sexual innuendos.  Great humor that everyone can understand.  There’s violence, but it isn’t gory.
  2. Before you go, Google CGI so you can explain it to your kids. They are going to want to know how they did this for HUMANS.
  3. We may have a new favorite Robot.  BB-8 was great, but K-2SO is arguably my favorite non-organic character in the Saga.  I know this is blasphemy, but whatevs.
  4. Lola was fun to sit next to – she is developing a great sense of humor.  During a super tense moment she chimes in with “Why don’t they put a safety rail on those platforms? If I worked there I’d be really annoyed by that”. And no, she’s never watched Family Guy (who also pointed this out).
  5. Don’t miss the previews.  Your kids are going to lose their minds over Baby Groot.  Trust me.
  6. This is a very, very mini spoiler so skip this if you are super hard core…. Still with me? OK.  I feel like I need to point out that these are now Disney Movies, and Disney Movies are AMAZING, and we love Disney, but is there someone in the Disney Studio who says “OK, great script, great story, but we need to make sure that the main character’s mother dies in the first 5 minutes of EVERY MOVIE WE EVER DO.”  Think about it…Bambi, Mowgli, Ariel, Tarzan, Lilo, Nemo, Elsa, Anna, to name a very small percentage…Even Lola noticed this and pointed it out last night.
  7. This is a fantastic movie to show your kids the value of teamwork, hard work, and courage.  There are more heroes than you can count, and your kid will undoubtedly identify with at least one of them thanks to the diverse cast (Disney doing a great job with this for the second straight year).
  8. Maybe bring earplugs if your kids are super sensitive to loud sounds, mainly for the previews… because every movie preview in the world now likes to use the “BWOOOONNNNNNNG!!!!!!” sound effect over and over again that makes your ears bleed.
  9. Explain to your kids that this is “Star Wars 3.5”  right before the 1977 original.  And if you can, just show them the first 5-10 minutes of New Hope before you go see this one.  For you and them, It is totally worth it in the understanding of the film, and will really enhance the payoff.
  10. I loved it.  Lola loved it.  Penn Charles loved it.  Mom stayed home and went to sleep.  It was a win-win-win-win.