We Were Loud Wrong

Recently, we had the privilege of going on family vacation in Belize. It was full of adventure like ziplining, river tubing, exploring Mayan ruins and snorkeling. In anticipation of the snorkeling, Penn researched what fish we may see during the trip to the barrier reef. (Yes, he is that Dad on vacation.) He was particularly hopeful we’d see a “nerf shark.” Yes, he said NERF shark instead of NURSE shark. 

As soon as Lola heard this, she was like, “Dad, did you just say NERF SHARK?” Apparently, Penn thought that it was called a nerf shark because it doesn’t hurt you, like a nerf bullet. (Hilarious and so wrong.) As you know, Penn is very smart. He’s one of those annoying people who took the SAT and got an amazing score the first time. He’s so curious about life that he asks questions and absorbs everything he learns. So, I cannot tell you how happy it made me that he got this wrong. 

But not just “wrong” .. he was LOUD wrong. It was easily one of my top vacation moments. 

Nip It In The Butt

But Penn isn’t the only one to make a verbal goof. This story led us to talking about the other things we’ve gotten loud wrong in our lives this week on our podcast. (I told the nerf shark story on Instagram and surprisingly two people also thought it was nerf instead of nurse. You are not alone, Penn!) 

We read some of the best loud wrong sayings on the podcast. I won’t spoil the show for you, but some fun ones that didn’t make the cut were: 

  • Wipe board vs White board
  • Low bearing wall vs Load bearing wall
  • World wind vs whirlwind
  • Take for granite vs take for granted
  • The ghost is clear vs the coast is clear
  • You’ve got another THINK coming vs you’ve got another thing coming

Getting Stronger Everyday

Silly sayings aren’t the only things we’ve gotten loud wrong in our lives. For example, when I had Lola I kept telling myself “as soon as she sleeps through the night, I can stop worrying… as soon as she gets a little older, it will get easier…”  Boy, was I mega loud wrong about that. I remember my Mom hearing me say this and telling me to just wait until she starts driving. She was right. It never really gets easier, just different. 

Penn and I share other things we were loud wrong about throughout our lives. It’s good to learn from them, laugh at yourself, and become stronger because of it. We hope listening to this helps you feel better about yourself. It’s a doggy dog world out there, and you gotta watch out for nerf sharks

Listen to our show and tell us about what you’ve gotten loud wrong:

Acast: https://open.acast.com/public/streams/618c3caaa322d1001350082c/episodes/65e3766636f1580017899dc3.mp3

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-holderness-family-podcast/id1378725018?i=1000648045501

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2H5PsnOu8VC1WWtF7VuL4m?si=9034434da0a04ecf

Pandora: https://pandora.app.link/0xGPEdlyIHb

Amazon: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/094464e9-aad9-4b09-8ee8-248c76b48bd6/episodes/2f83250a-8187-4469-943a-f89688190e37/the-holderness-family-podcast-we-were-loud-wrong