

How to Have Fun and Let Go

Want to listen to the podcast straight away? Scroll to the end for the links. First of all, a huge thank you to our sponsor and musical therapists Mandolin Orange from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. We adore their music and…

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How to Make Kim’s Power Bites

These yummy snacks keep my family going…and help keep me from digging in the pantry for a sleeve of Oreos. INGREDIENTS 1 cup pitted dates 2 oz 100% unsweetened cacao: roughly chopped 1 TBSP Chia seeds 1 TBSP Honey 1/2…

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The Secrets Behind Our Music Videos

Want to listen to this podcast right away? Scroll to the end for listen links. “How do you create your music videos?” It’s a question we are asked all the time. Honestly, it’s hard to answer in a Facebook comment…

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Music Parody: Where Have All The Chargers Gone?

They are never around when you need them. Your cell battery goes to red and there’s not a phone charger in sight. Where do they all go? Maybe to an island with missing socks. Do you remember this memorable Paula…

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Best of 2018: Favorite Music Moments

Thank you so much for dancing and singing with us this year! Here is a rundown of our most memorable musical memories. What was your favorite tune of 2018?…

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