My Mental Health Focus Month

Where we live, there is this blip of time when the weather is still warm but the temperatures don’t feel like the surface of the sun. September is this glorious time when I can start to feel Fall tiptoeing into our forecast. The slight change gives me a little buzz of energy. The kids are back to school, and though that brings its own brand of chaos, there are now bigger gaps of time I can focus on my own needs. 

I love having the kids home for the summer, but they are at an age where I feel like most of my day was being their devoted Uber driver. My work output, my workouts, and my own self-care definitely took a hit. 

I know I could wake earlier, tell them “No, I’m not driving you across town for a basketball practice today” or be better about managing my time, in general. But hear me out: I wanted that time in the car with my kids. By next summer my daughter will be driving herself to practices and social activities. The time I spent this summer in the car was what I needed as a mom. I’m giving myself grace that I didn’t plan meals as well as I like and I didn’t make it to every meeting that demanded my attention. Instead, I stayed up too late watching Gilmore Girls for the 17th time under a blanket with my daughter. I keep threatening to get one of those wooden signs to hang in our living room that has the painted words “These Are The Days” in big, bold font. 

Just For Myself 

Now that the kids are back in class and busy until well after dinnertime with sports and homework, I’ve decided to use this surge of September energy to focus on my own mental health. I’ve talked openly about how I’ve battled anxiety and depression. I know what it takes for me to feel better, now I just have to do it. 

I work best if I make a list (I LOVE a list). In the next 30 days, I’m going to be tackling small, attainable goals, layering on habits that help me in my own mental health journey. 

I’ll write about them here if you’re interested in following along. I’ll do my best to post the link on Instagram stories throughout the week, but you can also bookmark this site and check back if you’re curious. Additionally, you can subscribe to our weekly newsletter

But, if I can be honest, I’m doing this for myself. Just the act of typing these words on a blank white screen is healing. Thanks for reading them. 

See you tomorrow, 


Mental Health Month Series

If you would like to join my mental health month journey, here is a list of the series: