I’ll be the first to admit, I’m a RomCom kind of girl. I’m in awe of my friends who find comfort in true crime podcasts. In fact, so many of my girlfriends will jump at the slightest noise or have…
Someone recently asked me as an Enneagram Type 1 personality, how I react to constructive criticism. First of all, if it’s any foreshadowing, I was very defensive the first time someone told me that I was an Enneagram Type 1.…
Because of this weird job that we do, we have an attic space filled with costumes and wigs. Hotdog costume – check. Inflatable blueberry person – check. Dracula – check. But out of any of that getup, Penn’s favorite costume…
Penn’s birthday was last week, and birthdays always make me reflective. We were discussing life, where we’ve been, and what (we think) aging looks like. I’ve always thought of aging kind of like a roller coaster. When you are younger,…
Remember Halloween in the 80’s? Most costumes were made from that weird plastic material that was printed to look like Smurfette or He-Man. We would run all over the streets with our pillow cases full of candy and our faces…
What’s that emotion that’s excited but a little nervous? Nervcited? Well, I’m nervcited because we launched our new game FAMILY FACEOFF!
We made Family Faceoff, because we are game people. A rainy day, vacation, or even just 20 minutes after…
One of my core memories from being a kid was playing goalie in a recreation soccer league. I was around 10-years-old and it was through the YMCA, meaning they let every kid who wanted to play onto a team. (I’m…
For the month of September, I gave myself a challenge to blog every single day for the entire month. Call me strange, but I really love having an assignment. It felt so gratifying to hit the publish button on September…
I’m not one of those people who decorates their house from top to bottom for every season (unless you count yard inflatables), but I do love to add a few touches here and there to bring in the coziness of…