The pandemic did a number on a lot of people’s careers. A good friend of mine who lost her job even gave herself a deadline to return to the corporate world before leaving it all behind to bartend at the beach. Starting over, especially to do something with an unclear path, can be daunting. Not to mention the perception of others and what they think of you.
The people I find myself envying the most are those who’ve stepped off the treadmill. They’ve left conventional behind, and they’ve decided to do something that fulfills them. One of those people in my mind is comedian Charlie Berens. Even though he’s been doing stand-up for a long time, that wasn’t where he started. We had him on the podcast this week for a good laugh and some sage advice.
It’s The Climb
Charlie is about to embark on his fourth stand-up tour, and he creates content for the internet just like us. He’s learned over time to stop chasing likes and algorithms and to focus on enjoying the process. “If you’re so hyper-focused on what people think and then you finally reach success, you’re not going to enjoy it,” explains Charlie. He went on to say that the prize for all your hard work shouldn’t be more anxiety. You have to find enjoyment in the process.
Even if you don’t make silly videos for the internet, we’ve all fallen into the trap of “I’ll be happier when…” We keep moving the goalpost forward without taking time to admire how far we’ve come. As the great Miley Cyrus once said: It’s not about how fast I get there, it’s not about what’s waiting on the other side. It’s the climb.
It’s the climb, folks. Hear our hilarious chat about Midwest bowel habits, snakes in lakes, and what’s next for Charlie. Happy listening!
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