

When kids take over the kitchen | Chopped cooking challenge

I had had enough. I’d had enough of carefully preparing healthy, delicious meals only to see my children reject them. I was DONE. So I made them cook. Yep. I told my six year old and eight year old they…

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Walk a mile in my Spanx.

I recently went for my yearly physical and here’s the conversation I had with my doctor: Me: “I’ve gained about 10 pounds over the last year and I’m tired all the time.” Doctor: “Well, this is common of a woman…

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#ELFED | Christmas Jammies 2015 | The Holderness Family

Here’s our Christmas Jammies 2015 … the #ELFED version. (Kendrick Lamar, “I love myself” parody). We loved surprising friends an strangers dressed as Santa’s elves in New York City and our home state of North Carolina. “If everybody acted more…

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The truth about me: I feel ALL the feels

Post from Kim. Here’s a newsflash: I suffer from some pretty wicked panic attacks. Yep. Me, the one dancing in pajamas, has moments when anxiety and depression forces me into a fog. Right now, I can’t stop obsessing about the…

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I’m a nutrition hypocrite.

I admit it. I send my kids to school with organic fruit and sandwiches on sprouted wheat bread. They enjoy treats occasionally, but they know candy is not a healthy option. Then there’s me. The minute Halloween candy becomes available…

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